Haskell でオートマトン(4)


module Fa where
import System.Environment

data State = State String deriving (Eq, Show)
type Symbol = Char
type Alphabet = [Symbol]

-- Dfa states alphabet transition-function "start state" "accept states"

data Dfa = Dfa [State] Alphabet [((State, Symbol), State)] State [State] deriving (Show, Eq)

statesOf (Dfa a _ _ _ _) = a
alphabetOf (Dfa _ a _ _ _) = a
transitOf (Dfa _ _ a _ _) = a
startOf (Dfa _ _ _ a _) = a
acceptOf (Dfa _ _ _ _ a) = a

-- transitDfa :: Dfa -> State -> Symbol -> State
transitDfa dfa s0 a0 = case lookup (s0, a0) (transitOf dfa) of
                         Just s -> s
                         Nothing -> error "invalid transition"

-- accept' :: Dfa -> [Symbol] -> Bool
accept dfa str = accept' dfa (startOf dfa) str
    where accept' dfa s [] = elem s (acceptOf dfa)
          accept' dfa s (c:cs) = accept' dfa s' cs
              where s' = transitDfa dfa s c

-- accept odd number of 'a' s
dfa1 = Dfa [State "q0", State "q1"] -- states
       "ab" -- alphabet
       [ ((State "q0", 'a'), State "q1"),
         ((State "q0", 'b'), State "q0"),
         ((State "q1", 'a'), State "q0"),
         ((State "q1", 'b'), State "q1")] -- transition function
       (State "q0") -- start state
       [State "q1"] -- accept states