dfa から nfa 改良

さらに loop マクロを使ってみたけどあまり奇麗にはならないなぁ。
hashtable 使ってみたけど :test に equal を使っているのがいまいち気に入らない。

(defmethod convert-to-dfa ((fa nfa-e))
  (labels ((goto* (n-set a)
             (loop for s in n-set with res = ()
                do (loop for q in (transit fa s a)
                      do (pushnew q res :test #'state=))
                finally (return res))))
    (with-accessors ((alphabet alphabet-of)
                     (start start-state-of)
                     (accepts accept-states-of)) fa
      (let ((ht (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
        (setf (gethash (epsilon-closure fa (list start)) ht) 'not-marked)
        (loop with Di = (epsilon-closure fa (list start))
           with Dtable = nil
           with alphabet* = (loop for a in alphabet if a collect a)
           for s1 = (loop for k being the hash-keys in ht
                       if (eql (gethash k ht) 'not-marked)
                       return k)
           while s1
             (setf (gethash s1 ht) 'marked)
             (loop for a in alphabet*
                for s2 = (epsilon-closure fa (goto* s1 a))
                  (when (and (not (null s2)) (null (gethash s2 ht)))
                    (setf (gethash s2 ht) 'not-marked))
                  (setq Dtable (cons (list s1 a s2) Dtable)))
             (return (make-dfa (loop for s being the hash-keys in ht collect s)
                               (loop for s being the hash-keys in ht
                                  collect `(,s
                                            ,@(loop for (s1 a s2) in Dtable
                                                 if (state= s s1)
                                                 collect `(,a ,s2))))
                               (loop for s being the hash-keys in ht
                                  if (find-if #'(lambda (q)
                                                  (member q accepts :test #'state=)) s)
                                  collect s))))))))