Scheme Compiler の勉強(16) - SSA

いよいよ 1.4 Conditional Expressions の実装。そのまえに SSA についてメモ。

RedhatGCC に関する文書


ほほう。これが、わたしのトイプログラムが吐き出す以下のようないっさい最適化なんて考えていない LLVM IR でさえも、ちゃんと opt コマンドによって最適化される理由か(もっと他のレベルで根本的に間違ってるかもしれないけど・・)。

gosh> (compile-program '($fxadd1 ($fxadd1 ($fxadd1 ($fxadd1 1)))))
define i32 @scheme_entry() nounwind {
    %ret = alloca i32
    store i32 4, i32* %ret
    %var7 = load i32* %ret
    %var8 = add i32 4, %var7
    store i32 %var8, i32* %ret
    %var5 = load i32* %ret
    %var6 = add i32 4, %var5
    store i32 %var6, i32* %ret
    %var3 = load i32* %ret
    %var4 = add i32 4, %var3
    store i32 %var4, i32* %ret
    %var1 = load i32* %ret
    %var2 = add i32 4, %var1
    store i32 %var2, i32* %ret
    %retval = load i32* %ret
    ret i32 %retval





The answer to this question involves an important SSA operation: the Phi operation. If you're not familiar with SSA, the wikipedia article is a good introduction and there are various other introductions to it available on your favorite search engine. The short version is that "execution" of the Phi operation requires "remembering" which block control came from. The Phi operation takes on the value corresponding to the input control block. In this case, if control comes in from the "then" block, it gets the value of "calltmp". If control comes from the "else" block, it gets the value of "calltmp1".

At this point, you are probably starting to think "Oh no! This means my simple and elegant front-end will have to start generating SSA form in order to use LLVM!". Fortunately, this is not the case, and we strongly advise not implementing an SSA construction algorithm in your front-end unless there is an amazingly good reason to do so. In practice, there are two sorts of values that float around in code written for your average imperative programming language that might need Phi nodes:

Code that involves user variables: x = 1; x = x + 1;
Values that are implicit in the structure of your AST, such as the Phi node in this case.
